Royal Family LIVE: Prince Harry and Meghan had ‘no idea’ about Princess Kate’s cancer | Royal | News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had “no idea” about the Princess of Wales’s cancer diagnosis, a source has claimed, just hours after the Duke of Sussex allegedly reached out to his brother, Prince William, following Friday’s devastating news.

Princess Kate sent shockwaves around the world on Friday evening as she announced she has been diagnosed with an undisclosed form of cancer, after weeks of wild speculation surrounding her well-being and whereabouts, following her abdominal surgery back in January.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex released a brief statement just under three hours after Kate’s shock announcement and said: “We wish health and healing for Kate and the family, and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace.”

Now it emerged that the Sussex pair reached out to the Prince and Princess of Wales “privately” on Friday night, however, it is unclear whether the contact was a phone, video call or some messages of support, the Mail reports.

Meanwhile, a source told the New York Post Harry and Meghan “had no idea” about Kate’s cancer and “only learned of the news around the same time the rest of the world found out. This goes to show the irreparable damage they have caused.”


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