US election live updates: Harris campaign launches abortion-focused bus tour as polls show momentum against Trump | US elections 2024

Harris campaign launches abortion-focused bus tour as polls continue to indicate momentum against Trump

Good morning, US politics blog readers. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz yesterday sat for their first joint interview since launching their campaign, and outlined some of the policies they’d bring to the White House, if elected. Now, they’re looking to press the advantage over Donald Trump and JD Vance that polls continue to indicate they may have, particularly on issues of reproductive health. Their campaign this morning announced a bus tour through swing states that will focus on promoting her policies towards IVF access and abortion, and feature prominent surrogates including Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar and campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez.

We continue to see signs that Harris and Walz are posing a much stiffer challenge to Trump than Joe Biden did. A Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll published yesterday shows Harris with the advantage in all seven swing states it surveyed, even North Carolina, which hasn’t supported a Democrat since 2008. That said, it’s only one poll, and others have shown her in a weaker position with voters in these states, most notably Pennsylvania, which is viewed as perhaps the deciding state this election.

Here’s what else we’re watching today:

  • Despite his role in the overturning of Roe v Wade and his party’s pursuit of abortion restrictions nationwide, Trump tried to remake himself into a supporter of reproductive rights at a rally yesterday.

  • We will hear more from Trump today, who will campaign in Johnstown, Pennsylvania at 4.30pm ET, and speak at a conference of conservative group Moms for Liberty at 8pm.

  • Harris is back in Washington DC, and has no public events scheduled today. Expect speculation to grow in the coming days over when she will sit for her next interview.


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Key events

For Donald Trump’s niece, his political ascension has been so devastating that it pushed her to seek ketamine treatment, the Guardian’s Martin Pengelly reports:

In a new memoir, Mary L Trump, niece of Donald Trump, writes of being pushed to despair, and ketamine therapy, by her uncle’s victory in the 2016 presidential election, his chaotic, far-right administration and his refusal to leave national politics despite his defeat by Joe Biden in 2020.

“I’m here because five years ago, I lost control of my life,” Mary Trump writes, describing ketamine treatment undertaken in December 2021. “I’m here because the world has fallen away and I don’t know how to find my way back.

“I’m here because Donald Trump is my uncle.”

Her doctor, she says, answered: “I’m sorry. That must be very difficult for you.”

Now 59, Mary Trump is a trained psychologist and bestselling author. Her new book, Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir, will be published in the US on 10 September. The Guardian obtained a copy.


The day so far

Kamala Harris is looking to keep her momentum with voters going, after yesterday conducting the first interview of her presidential bid with CNN, alongside her running mate Tim Walz. Her campaign has announced plans for an abortion-focused bus tour that will crisscross swing states, while Georgia is reportedly seeing a surge in registrations by new voters, particularly among the groups most likely to vote for Democrats. Speaking of abortion, Donald Trump yesterday said he supported a ballot initiative to overturn Florida’s six-week ban on the procedure, but both his campaign and running mate JD Vance are trying to walk back the comment, underscoring the perils of the GOP’s position on the issue.

Here’s what else has happened today so far:

  • Trump also broke with years of Republican orthodoxy by saying he wouldn’t move to block abortion access in Washington DC, and told supporters he wanted the government or private insurance to pay for IVF care.

  • Spencer Cox, the Republican governor of Utah, apologized after his campaign used images of Trump’s visit to Arlington national cemetery this week – which the former president has refused to do.

  • House Republicans will travel to southern California for a judiciary committee hearing that will likely be aimed at Harris and her stance on undocumented migration.


House Republicans, who have spent much of their nearly two years in control of Congress’s lower chamber investigating the Biden administration with mixed results, will next week hold a judiciary committee hearing on the effects of undocumented migrants in California.

That is, of course, Kamala Harris’s home state, which she represented in the Senate from 2017 to 2021. The hearing, titled “The Biden-Harris Border Crisis: California Perspectives” will take place next Friday in Santee, California, a San Diego suburb in a Republican-leaning House district.

Donald Trump and his allies have campaigned on cracking down on undocumented migrants, and have accused Harris of changing her answers over whether or not she supports building a wall along the border with Mexico.

The vice-president’s stated policy on the matter is a little more complicated than they make it out to be:


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Trump plays down Arlington controversy

NBC News asked Donald Trump about his campaign’s decision to use images of his visit to Arlington national cemetery in communications to supporters, including on TikTok.

He downplayed the controversial decision, saying, essentially, that they were just pictures:

Trump claims without evidence that his Arlington National Cemetery photo-op controversy “was a setup by the people in the administration.”

“All I do is, I stood there and I said, if you’d like to have a picture, we can have a picture.”

— The Recount (@therecount) August 30, 2024


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Utah governor who joined Trump at Arlington says visit was not meant to be campaign event

Meanwhile, outrage continues over Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington national cemetery on Monday, during which one of his staffers pushed aside a cemetery employee who tried to prevent them from shooting pictures and video in an area where doing so was prohibited.

While the former president’s campaign has forcefully rejected criticism of their conduct, their indignation was not shared by Utah governor Spencer Cox, who joined Trump during the visit.

In a post on X, he apologized for using images of the cemetery, where American war dead are buried, in a campaign email:

You are correct Alan. This was not a campaign event and was never intended to be used by the campaign. It did not go through the proper channels and should not have been sent. My campaign will be sending out an apology.

— Spencer Cox (@SpencerJCox) August 28, 2024


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In an interview with CNN today, Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance was asked about the former president’s stated opposition to Florida’s six-week abortion ban.

The Ohio senator also tried to clean Trump’s remarks up:

The president is simply saying he doesn’t like six weeks. He obviously has said he doesn’t like late-term abortion, and I think he will make an announcement on what he actually wants to do on the Florida law in particular. But again, President Trump has been extremely consistent that he’s going to make this decision as a citizen of Florida.


Trump speaks out against Florida abortion restrictions – then campaign walks it back

In further evidence that Donald Trump isn’t quite sure how to balance his party’s longstanding opposition to abortion with concerns that many voters favor continued access to the procedure, the former president yesterday spoke out against Florida’s abortion ban, leaving his campaign to clean up his comments.

Florida, where Trump lives, bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, and voters in November will decide whether to pass a measure guaranteeing a right to the procedure until fetal viability, which is usually around 24 weeks of pregnancy. NBC News yesterday asked Trump how he’d vote on the measure. He replied:

I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks.

That didn’t sit well with his campaign, who quickly moved to walk back the former president’s comments, the Associated Press reports:

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said in a statement after the rally Thursday that Trump “has not yet said how he will vote on the ballot initiative in Florida” known as Amendment 4 and that he “simply reiterated that he believes six weeks is too short.”

His comments nonetheless drew immediate reaction from those who oppose abortion rights, including Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, who said she had spoken with Trump after his speech.

“He has not committed to how he will vote on Amendment 4. President Trump has consistently opposed abortions after five months of pregnancy. Amendment 4 would allow abortion past this point. Voting for Amendment 4 completely undermines his position,” she said, adding that, “anyone who believes in drawing a different line” still “must vote against Amendment 4, unless they don’t want a line at all.”


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Kamala Harris spent the last two days in Georgia on a bus tour (her campaign seems to like bus tours) that culminated with a rally in Savannah yesterday evening. From the Guardian’s Justin Glawe, here’s what the vice-president told supporters, as she hopes for a repeat of the luck Joe Biden had in the state four years ago:

After two days on a bus tour through south-east Georgia with her running mate, Tim Walz, Kamala Harris arrived at an arena in Savannah to a boisterous crowd and told them that despite the state being a stretch, it is still winnable in November.

“Don’t pay attention to polls – we are underdogs,” the vice-president said, telling the roughly 9,500 attendees that they had “work to do” in order to secure victory. “We don’t mind hard work. Hard work is for workers.”

Thousands waited outside for hours as a spitting rain became a steady drizzle, which turned into an outright downpour, on a hot and characteristically humid Savannah afternoon. Inside, thousands of supporters filled out an arena usually reserved for minor league hockey games and concerts – taking up every last seat.

“It’s good to be back in Savannah,” she said, jumping right into a stump speech that, while familiar, nonetheless kept the crowd’s attention for the entirety of her remarks.

Recent polling has Harris and Donald Trump nearly tied in Georgia, an indication of how close the race is likely to be in the state that Joe Biden won in 2020 by just 11,779 votes.

During her brief remarks that lasted just under 20 minutes, Harris contrasted her campaign with that of Trump, who she criticized with her regular campaign line of moving the country backward, not forward. She touted policy plans such as affordable childcare and healthcare, paid family leave, expanding Medicaid and other aspects of what she called “an opportunity economy” focused on “building inter-generational wealth”.


New voter registrations surged in swing state Georgia after Harris launched campaign – report

There’s been a sharp increase in people registering to vote in Georgia in the weeks since Kamala Harris launched her campaign, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, with groups that tend to back Democrats making up a large part of the new registrants.

It could be a good sign for the vice-president’s campaign in a state where Democrats reversed years of election losses in 2020, when Joe Biden won its electoral votes and the party’s candidates captured both of its Senate seats.

Here’s more from the Journal-Constitution on the registration trends:

Black women led the surge, with a 75% jump in registrations compared with the same 3 1/2 week period in 2020, according to the most recent voter registration data available from the Georgia secretary of state’s office, stretching from July 21 to Aug. 13.

Sign-ups by Hispanic voters grew by an even larger percentage, 114% over the 2020 period, though the raw number of new registrations was lower than other racial groups because there are fewer Hispanic voters overall in the state.

And new voters under 30 years old spiked by 76%. Overall, 50% more voters have registered since July 21 than in the same period four years ago.

“It’s shocking. I did not expect to see something of this scope,” said Tom Bonier, a Democratic strategist and CEO of the data company TARA Group. “This has the potential to be a game changer in terms of the presidential race.”

Bonier’s research also found similar leaps in 13 other states since Harris joined the race, and he said Georgia’s growth in registrations reinforces an emerging national trend.

More than 46,000 people have registered since July 21, bringing Georgia’s total number of voters to 8.1 million. So far this year, 226,000 new voters have registered.


Kamala Harris’s climb in recent polls has been driven by a surge in enthusiasm among Democratic voters, and the traditional bounce in support seen after party conventions, the Guardian’s Robert Tait reports:

Kamala Harris’s entry into the presidential race has given a shot in the arm to Democratic voters, who are now expressing near-record enthusiasm levels, fresh polling data shows.

While the figures from Gallup indicate rising enthusiasm among all voters – including Republicans – over the past five months, comparative figures show a much steeper increase among Democrats – indicating that Harris’s replacement of Joe Biden as presidential candidate is the likely driving factor.

The surging enthusiasm coincides with an improved general polling performance from Harris compared with Biden, who dropped out of the race last month after a poor debate performance that threatened to further depress his already stagnant numbers in survey match-ups against Donald Trump.

A fresh Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday showed Harris leading Trump nationwide by 45% to 41% – a margin consistent with other surveys since last week’s boisterous Democratic national convention in Chicago that confirmed the US vice-president’s status as the nominee.

Harris’s figures since then have generally enhanced the small leads that she had accrued since her elevation to the top of the Democratic ticket in July, suggesting that her standing has been further boosted by the traditional post-convention bounce that presidential candidates customarily receive.


The Harris-Walz campaign’s “Fighting for Reproductive Freedom” bus tour will begin on Tuesday in Palm Beach, Florida – Donald Trump’s backyard.

Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar, TV personality Ana Navarro, who had a prominent spot at the Democratic convention and campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez will be among those onboard for what is expected to be 50 stops in swing states. Kamala Harris’s husband Doug Emhoff and Gwen Walz, Tim Walz’s wife, will also make appearances along the way.

“This election is about freedom – and the American people want and deserve the freedom to make their own health care decisions,” Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement.

“Our campaign is hitting the road to meet voters in their communities, underscore the stakes of this election for reproductive freedom, and present them with the Harris-Walz ticket’s vision to move our country forward, which stands in stark contrast to Donald Trump’s plans to drag us back. As we crisscross the country, we’ll be driving that contrast home to red and blue voters and independents.”


Donald Trump continued his attempted pivot on reproductive rights yesterday while campaigning in Wisconsin alongside former Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who recounted her experience with IVF. The Guardian’s Alice Herman was there, and has this report:

At a town hall event in La Crosse, Wisconsin, on Thursday night, Donald Trump and the former Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, now a Trump campaign surrogate, attempted to pitch themselves to the crowd as supporters of reproductive rights.

Gabbard, who moderated the event after endorsing the former president earlier this week, opened the town hall with emotional remarks about her experience with in vitro fertilization. The comments came shortly after Trump said in an NBC interview that he would make the government or insurance companies pay for IVF if he is elected, although it is unclear how he would accomplish that or if he is serious about the proposal given the pivotal role he played in overturning Roe v Wade.

“We were not successful in trying to get pregnant. For us, IVF seemed to be the only option and the last resort,” said Gabbard, who described to a quiet audience the costly and at times painful fertility treatment process she said she underwent 10 years ago.

Following Gabbard’s comments on IVF, Trump reiterated his promise from earlier in the day.

“We wanna produce babies in this country, right?” he said.

By stating his support for IVF and claiming that he would leave abortion laws to the states if elected, Trump is hoping to retain the support of women who count reproductive rights as a top issue – but risks alienating his supporters on the religious right.


Trump indicates support for abortion access in Washington DC, IVF care in attempt to pivot on vulnerable issues

Reproductive rights has been a major vulnerability for Republicans nationwide ever since the supreme court overturned Roe v Wade two years ago and allowed states to ban the procedure. As the president who appointed three of the justices who supported that ruling, Donald Trump has been no exception, and he’s lately tried to execute something of a pivot on the issue.

Politico reports that the former president has signaled support for abortion access in Washington DC, going against years of attempts by the GOP to use Congress’s unique oversight of the capital to restrict the procedure in its city limits.

And, yesterday, he told NBC News that he would support requiring the government or private insurers to pay for IVF for families. He also said that he would not back restrictions on the care – which Democrats have accused the GOP of wanting to do, after Alabama’s supreme court earlier this year handed down a ruling that cut off access.

Here’s more on what Trump said, from NBC:

“We are going to be, under the Trump administration, we are going to be paying for that treatment,” Trump said before adding, “We’re going to be mandating that the insurance company pay.”

Asked to clarify whether the government would pay for IVF services or whether insurance companies would do so, Trump reiterated that one option would be to have insurance companies pay “under a mandate, yes.”

Abortion and IVF have been political liabilities for the GOP this year. Democrats have blasted Republicans over IVF in recent months, saying GOP-led restrictions on abortion could lead to restrictions on IVF, as well.

In a statement, Sarafina Chitika, a spokesperson for Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign, said that “Donald Trump’s own platform could effectively ban IVF and abortion nationwide” and that “because Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, IVF is already under attack and women’s freedoms have been ripped away in states across the country. There is only one candidate in this race who trusts women and will protect our freedom to make our own health care decisions: Vice President Kamala Harris.”


Harris campaign launches abortion-focused bus tour as polls continue to indicate momentum against Trump

Good morning, US politics blog readers. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz yesterday sat for their first joint interview since launching their campaign, and outlined some of the policies they’d bring to the White House, if elected. Now, they’re looking to press the advantage over Donald Trump and JD Vance that polls continue to indicate they may have, particularly on issues of reproductive health. Their campaign this morning announced a bus tour through swing states that will focus on promoting her policies towards IVF access and abortion, and feature prominent surrogates including Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar and campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez.

We continue to see signs that Harris and Walz are posing a much stiffer challenge to Trump than Joe Biden did. A Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll published yesterday shows Harris with the advantage in all seven swing states it surveyed, even North Carolina, which hasn’t supported a Democrat since 2008. That said, it’s only one poll, and others have shown her in a weaker position with voters in these states, most notably Pennsylvania, which is viewed as perhaps the deciding state this election.

Here’s what else we’re watching today:

  • Despite his role in the overturning of Roe v Wade and his party’s pursuit of abortion restrictions nationwide, Trump tried to remake himself into a supporter of reproductive rights at a rally yesterday.

  • We will hear more from Trump today, who will campaign in Johnstown, Pennsylvania at 4.30pm ET, and speak at a conference of conservative group Moms for Liberty at 8pm.

  • Harris is back in Washington DC, and has no public events scheduled today. Expect speculation to grow in the coming days over when she will sit for her next interview.


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